Here are some of the more common email "phishing" identity theft schemes in circulation today. Emails are sent to a large number of email addresses (fishing with a wide net) in an attempt to "catch" a percentage of users who will input their credit card and / or checking account information.
Email from eBay and email from PayPal will always be addressed to your full account name. They will not ask you to update account information via a link in an email.
The links in the phishing email may look like they go to eBay or to PayPal or to your Financial Institution's web site, but they actually go to an unauthorize web site. Always type the domain in the browser so you go directly to the appropriate web site to login to your account. Do not use links in email.
They will ask you for your checking account information in order to transfer the money to you, and instead, they will empty out your account.
They will ask you for your checking account information in order to transfer the money to you, and instead, they will empty out your account.
They will take the money you have accepted from the customers and not deliver the merchandise. This leaves you owing product or money to the customers.
Learn more about managing your identity and preventing identity theft.